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HGV/Taxi Medicals

At R&B Clinical, we offer HGV / LGV, Taxi, Emergency Services and Machinery Driver Medicals to ensure that drivers meet the necessary health and safety requirements to operate commercial vehicles. Our experienced and qualified healthcare providers use the latest medical technology and techniques to conduct thorough and efficient medical examinations.

Driver Medicals are a legal requirement for commercial drivers in the UK, and failure to meet the necessary health and safety standards can result in penalties or license revocation. Our medical exams are designed to assess the driver's physical and mental fitness to operate a commercial vehicle, including completion of all required forms

Our Medicals are conducted in a private and comfortable environment, and our practitioners are trained to provide compassionate and non-judgmental care. We prioritise the safety and well-being of our patients, and we work closely with them to ensure that they meet the necessary health and safety standards to operate commercial vehicles.


Driver Medical with eye examination - £65.00

Driver Medical without eye examination - £50.00

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